
M- Audio Oxygen Garageband


Acclaimed audio interfaces, studio monitors, and keyboard controllers. The M-Audio Oxygen 25 (MKIV), Oxygen 49 (MKIV), and Oxygen 61 (MKIV) are professional pad and keyboard controllers designed for hands-on software control, sequencing, and performance. This article walks through a number of Frequently Asked Questions about the M-Audio Oxygen Series controllers. Frequently Asked Questions.

The M-Audio Oxygen 25 (MKIV), Oxygen 49 (MKIV), and Oxygen 61 (MKIV) are professional pad and keyboard controllers designed for hands-on software control, sequencing, and performance. This article walks through a number of Frequently Asked Questions about the M-Audio Oxygen Series controllers.

  • Apr 02, 2018  Water samples were collected at the surface during low tide and high tide, in neap tides. Salinity ranged from 19.75 to 37.20, the dissolved oxygen rate ranged from 61.75 to 125.90% and chlorophyll-a from 0.02 to 3.48 mg m −3. Water transparency, temperature, nitrate and silicate presented significant seasonal variation, the concentrations of.
  • Nov 03, 2011 50+ videos Play all Mix - M-Audio Keystudio + Garageband - Test YouTube; Recording Tips: M. M-audio keystation 49 ii In test - Duration: 2:11. Jab Phongnitis 57,631 views.
  • Jan 31, 2013  M-Audio Oxygen 49 3rd Gen Review & Unboxing. Test with Garageband. MIDI controller 49 velocity-sensitive keys plus pitch and mod wheels 8 knobs, 9 sliders, 9 buttons and more 6.4lbs /.

Frequently Asked Questions

What software does the Oxygen Series come with?

All keyboards in the Oxygen (MKIV) series include download codes for Ableton Live Lite 9 and SONiVOX Twist - Spectral Morphing Synthesizer.

I do not have the authorization codes for my software. What do I do?

If your authorization code is lost or misplaced, contact M-Audio Technical Support by visiting www.m-audio.com/support for further assistance.

What operating systems are supported? Do I need to install any drivers?

The Oxygen (MKIV) series is class compliant, which means you don’t have to download or install any drivers. Being class compliant also means that the Oxygen (MKIV) series will run on all current and future operating systems for PC and Mac.

Will the transport buttons, rotary knobs, and faders control my DAW automatically?

The Oxygen (MKIV) series controllers have DirectLink compatibility. Rather than assigning parameters one by one, DirectLink automatically maps the Oxygen’s controls to many of the most frequently used digital audio workstations. When used with a supported DAW, you can control the transport, mixing controls (faders and panning) and virtual instrument or signal processing plug-in parameters. Current DirectLink supportincludesReason, Cubase, Ableton, Pro Tools, Garageband, and Logic.

To enable DirectLink with your Oxygen, you may need to install some additional software. Visit www.m-audio.com/directlink to download the necessary DirectLink driver personalities for your specific DAW.

What are the default MIDI notes for the pads. Can I change the notes sent by the pads?

The default notes assigned to the pads are as follows:

The pads on the Oxygen (MKIV) series are capable of transmitting Note ON/OFF and velocity messages. Garageband podcast tutorial ipad. You can shift all 8 pads simultaneously by a single note or octave.

To shift all eight pads by a single note

  • Hold SHIFT and SELECT and press either the '-' or '+' OCTAVE button

Garageband Audio Editor

To shift all eight pads by an octave

What Is Garageband

  • Hold SHIFT and press either the '-' or '+' OCTAVE button
How do I reset the pads?

Hold SHIFT and both OCTAVE buttons. The pads will light up and then dim to show that they have been reset.

Can I control my virtual instruments while the Oxygen is already controlling my DAW?

Each keyboard in the Oxygen (MKIV) series has an AUTO button that allows you to switch between controlling your DAW (in the ON position) or your virtual instruments (in the OFF position).

Can I use the Oxygen (MKIV) series controller with my iPad??

Yes! Any Oxygen (MKIV) series keyboard will be fully powered by your iOS device’s bus power. To use an Oxygen (MKIV) series keyboard with an iPad, connect it using the iPad Camera Connection kit (sold separately).

How do I perform a factory reset?

Hold the '-' and '+' OCTAVE buttons while powering the keyboard on, and it will restore the controller to the factory default settings.

Further Product Support

Whether you are a customer or dealer, if you already own an M-Audio product, or if you just have pre-sales questions, the M-Audio technical support team is available to help!

Visit the link below to connect with any of the following support options: online community support, phone support, email support.

Drivers & Software Updates Search

Do you have the latest drivers for your device? Our engineering team is constantly adding, updating and improving our drivers to ensure optimal performance.

M- Audio Oxygen Garageband 10

Latest Updates
Driver Updates
ProductVersionDateFile Download
Firmware Updates
ProductVersionDateFile Download
Accent Module1.00.0912-19-2018Accent Module Firmware Update v1.00.09
Code 251.3.0 (FW v1.0.4.4)10-24-2018Code 25 Firmware Update for Windows v1.3.0
Code 491.3.0 (FW v1.0.4.4)10-24-2018Code 49 Firmware Update for Windows v1.3.0
Code 611.3.0 (FW v1.0.4.4)10-24-2018Code 61 Firmware Update for Windows v1.3.0
Code 251.3.0 (FW v1.0.4.4)10-24-2018Code 25 Firmware Update for Mac v1.3.0
Software Updates

M Audio Oxygen 61 Garageband

ProductVersionDateFile Download
Hammer 881.0.802-04-2020Hammer 88 Preset Editor for Mac 1.0.8
Code 251.0.810-16-2019Code 25 Preset Editor for Mac 1.0.8
Code 491.0.810-16-2019Code 49 Preset Editor for Mac 1.0.8
Code 611.0.810-16-2019Code 61 Preset Editor for Mac 1.0.8
Hammer 881.0.702-21-2018Hammer 88 Preset Editor for Windows 1.0.7
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